Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lesson 5 - Wednesday July 28

From now on I will post after each lesson.

Today we warmed up with a 1000m row at resistance level 5.

Then we did a short workout that consisted of 3 rounds of each:
5 sit-ups
5 push-ups (I'm still doing girlie push-ups)
50m farmer's walk with 2 15lb kettlebell weights

Then we did some squat therapy because a good squat is the foundation of good crossfit. After this, we learned the "Thruster", a combination of the front squat and the push press.

For the WOD (Workout of the Day), we did Jackie, which consists of:

1000 Meter Row
50 Thrusters, 45lbs men (30 lbs women)
30 pullups

(for time)

As we are still learning, we adjusted this to using 6 lb bars for the Thrusters and instead of pull-ups, we did ring rows, and it was still pretty insane!!! I cannot imagine being able to do this with 30lb!!! My time was 12.11.

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